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Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative
Appalachia Rising
Appalachian Renaissance Leadership Declaration
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Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative
Appalachia Rising
Appalachian Renaissance Leadership Declaration
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2017/2018 Speakers
2016/2017 Speakers
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Discussing the Renaissance
Photo Gallery – April 2017
2017/2018 Speakers
Ahmad Haseeb
Allen Elementary-Floyd County
Ally Crum
Johnson County
Amanda Baker
Amy Carr
Amy Hollan
Andrew Watts
Jenkins Independent
Angel Mobley
Knott County
Ashley Arnett
Ashley Fite
Ashley Haynes
Ashley Taylor
Austin Dillon
Pike County
Billie Bowling
Blake Cochran
Johnson County
Bobby Shouse
Brandy King
Breanna Epperson
Harlan County
Breathitt County High School & 9-12 Breathitt County ATC
Breathitt County
Breathitt County High School/Sebastion Middle School
Breathitt County
Brendan Bush
Brian Hobbs
Britni Tincher-Back
Brittany Vires
Hazard Independent
Brooke Saurer
Callie Chaney
Knott County
Campbell Dawahare
Carole Bentley
Carolyn McDaniel
Breathitt County
Casey Salyers
Cassi Steele
Hazard Independent
Cathy Conley
Cathy Wright
Paintsville Independent
Charlene Martin
Charles Michael Bell
Chasity Prater
Cheri Arrowood
Cindy Tackett
Clinton County High School
Clinton County Middle School
Clinton County
Cortney Flannery-Kidd
Crystal Smallwood
Dana Kendrick
Pike County
Danielle Masters
Darhla Miles
Hazard Independent
Debbie Lemaster
Deloris Tolson
Desiree Harmon
Donna Combs
Doug Adams & Lisa Wagoner
Dr. Haridas Chandran
Dr. Michael Melton
Letcher County
Dr. Rachel Holbrook
Drew Richardson
Dylan Slaven
Middlesboro Independent
Elisha Lewis
Elizabeth Tackett
Emily Kincer
Letcher County
Fannie Hall
Flat Gap Elementary
Floyd County ATC
Frankie Puckett
Paintsville Independent
Garry Henson
Harlan County
Georgia Baldwin
Paintsville Independent
Grethel Jones
Haileigh Hamilton
Breathitt County
Hannah Bohne
Middlesboro Independent
Hannah Griffith
Breathitt County
Hans Doderer
Paintsville Independent
Highland Turner Elementary, Breathitt County
Breathitt County
Jacki Baldwin
Jarrod Coots
Jason Hall
Breathitt County
Jeanne Caudill
Pike County
Jeanne Reed
Jeffrey Alexander Coots
Jennifer Wade Wells
Jerry Dalrymple
Jessica Adams
Jessica Davis
Jessica Kiser
Jessica Mullins
Johnson County
John Handshoe
Johnson Central CTC
Johnson Central High School
Johnson County
Johnson Central Middle School
Johnson County
Johnson County CTC
Jordan Johnson
Pikeville Independent
Joyce Meadows
Johnson County
Justin Bailey
Kaitlyn Kelly
Perry County
Kara Gayhart
Keenan Conley
Keiley Bentley
Jenkins Independent
Kelli Ratliff
Johnson County
Kellie McLellan
Kelly Scott
Knott County ATC
Knott County
Laura Benton
Laura Carroll
Lawrence County High School, Louisa East Elementary & Fallsburg Elementary
LeAnna Bolden
Lee County ATC
Lee County Middle/High School
Lee County
Leslie County ATC
Leslie Ferguson
Letcher County ATC
Letcher County
Lisa Blevins-Salyer
Liza Hylton
Perry County
Lucy Prewitt
Breathitt County
Magoffin County High School
Marisa Brown
Martina Lutz
Mary Bentley
Mary Lemaster
Magoffin County
Matthew Coots
Matthew Haughton
Matthew Pendergrass
Owsley County
Meghan Slone
Melinda Music
Paintsville Independent
Michelle Miller
Michelle Scott
Michelle Stambaugh
Mickayla Mason
Owsley County
Misty Knott
Misty Noble
Jackson Independent
Mitchell Pollard
Knott County
Mollie Johnson
Morgan Cox
Natasha Sparkman
Orville Bennett
Lee County
Owsley Elementary
Owsley County
Pamela Blankenship
Pamela Burton
Patricia Hackworth
Floyd County
Paul Hale
Phelps ATC, Pike County
Pryce Atkinson
Pike County
Rachel Frazier
Knott County
Rakisha Douthitt
Jackson Independent
Rebecca Morrison
Floyd County
Rebecca Potter
Rebekah Gooslin
Sandra Coleman
Paintsville Independent
Shannon Shepherd
Sherrie Stewart
Stephanie Miller
Stephanie Tiller
Sterling Harris
Breathitt County
Steve Mobley
Stinnett Elementary-Leslie County
Tara Howard
Taylor Stumbo
Teresa Miller
Thomas Patrick
Tiffany Austin
Tiffany Perkins
Knott County
Travis Crum
Floyd County
Valerie Pugh
Venesa Forrest
Vickie Howard
Magoffin County
Wayne Hammonds
Wendy Rice
Wolfe County
Zackary Bolen
Knott County
Zoie Morrison
Wolfe County