Hans Doderer

Paintsville Independent

Hans Doderer

Paintsville Independent


Raising Brook Trout: A Matter of Technique and Technology

The Trout in the Classroom Project provides students the unique opportunity to examine the life cycle of brook trout by growing their eggs into fingerlings within a classroom setting. Brook Trout are hatched and grown in an aquarium where students monitor both water quality and the developing eggs. Student’s monitor the water quality and record their observations in journals paying special attention to fish’s progress (growth and development) as well as the pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, conductivity, and water temperatures. In addition, students ascertain the water quality of the stream in which the trout are to be released. Little Paint Creel WMA at the Paintsville Lake will serve as the potential release site for the young fingerlings in the spring of 2018.

Download Presentation Powerpoint