Rebecca Potter

Rebecca Potter


Heroes on Every Hand: They Just Never Told Us

This year I am again working with Dr. Michael Melton to continue to document the people of our area. Last year’s documentary turned out better than we thought with our lack of experience. This year we have a little more experience under our belts and hope to involve more and more students. We are working also in conjunction with the Holler Team with The Transmedia Storytelling Fellowship and we are focusing on video. We are hoping the individual knowledge students will gain from participating in this class will help improve our documentary for this year. As we interviewed people from this area last year, our students were struck by the contributions each individual made to this community and wanted to showcase those contributions this year. They decided that there are so many everyday heroes here in our region that never get recognition. So this year’s documentary is titled, “Heroes On Every Hand: They Just Never Told Us”. Students have watched last year’s documentary, and they also participated in a film review of the Appalachia Media Institute summer work led by Willa Johnson. They have chosen a person who is a hero to them and have begun interviews. We are excited to see where this leads.

Download Presentation Powerpoint