Frankie Puckett

Paintsville Independent

Frankie Puckett

Paintsville Independent


Learning Lounge: Stand Up, Sit Down, Get Comfy, and Learn!

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I am a strong supporter of keeping the focus on what’s really important: my students. If student motivation and increased interaction is actually the chosen endgame, then we must adapt right along with t our students in our classrooms. Our classroom setting should be encouraging to problem-solving, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. This just cannot be done when students are sitting in rows of desks all day. My special needs students need flexible seating that will allow them to wiggle and rock while working on assigned tasks. My students seem to be always on the move, but having “ants in your pants” can be distracting during lessons. We are a group of active learners. I would like to have an “outlet” for all that energy when it’s time to settle in for some quiet time. Our school is rural and family orientated community. Learning calls for a lot of attention and focus! I want to know if it is possible to use various seating arrangements and styles to increase attention and focus during small group activities. It’s very challenging for most children to sit still and concentrate for an extended period of time. What can I do to help my children climb academically when they would rather be climbing up the monkey bars on the playground? Learning is not optional, but how they do it and where they do it should offer choices-choices that fit their individual needs and support their style of learning. I can let them move while reading, writing or even completing math tasks! Stools, mid back rolling desk chair, and stability cushions help transform stationary sitting into movement. They can slightly rock or move when they are participating in quiet times such as “read to self” and tests. Life is hard, for all students but especially with students who have deficits in focusing and learning disabilities. Classroom redesign will help increase time on task. It will help my active learner’s move without distracting others. Students who experience hyperactivity will become better learners when their need for movement is met. Regular classroom seating arrangement will be used for the first two nine weeks of school and then the last two nine weeks will be used with the redesign.

All sessions by Frankie Puckett