Breathitt County High School & 9-12 Breathitt County ATC

Breathitt County

Breathitt County High School & 9-12 Breathitt County ATC

Breathitt County


Building it Forward- Tiny Houses

The Building It Forward Project (Tiny House) is taking learning outside and getting hands-on. Students are able to consider different career fields, learn basic workplace behavior, and develop specific skills within an industry. The KVEC Tiny House project can impact all students. Those high academic achievers will gain skills they may not acquire from sitting in a classroom focused solely on a book. Students with learning disabilities and poor academic records due to poverty and other issues are learning skills that could provide

them with a successful future. Students learn and stay engaged from ‘a tiny house project’ and teachers learn by developing a multidisciplinary curriculum and tutorial series for schools and for individuals. Students earn credits in math, science and English while also learning the necessary skills to build their own small house, or possibly to start their own business building tiny houses for others.

2017-18 Building It Forward Grant Recipients

  • Breathitt County High School & Breathitt County Area Technology Center
  • Floyd County Area Technology Center
  • Johnson County Career and Technical Center
  • Leslie County Area Technolgy Center
  • Letcher County Area Technology Center
  • Lee County ATC (Wolfe and Owsley)
  • Phelps ATC, Pike County
  • Knott County ATC
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