Ashley Haynes

Ashley Haynes


Flipping and Swiveling in Sixth

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Project Overview:
The goal of the Flipping and Swiveling Project in my 6th grade mathematics classroom is to enhance student learning and achievement by reversing the traditional teacher-centered model of a classroom to a Flipped Learning model, focusing class time on student-centered active learning strategies rather than on lectures. The research question I am seeking to address is the following: Will recording lessons and posting on Google Classroom improve student achievement for students who are chronically absent? After reviewing the 2016-2017 H.M.S. Attendance Committee’s list of chronically absent students, I noticed that 6th grade students who were identified as having an excessive number of absences had also performed below grade level on the Moby Max Math Placement Test during the current school year. To address this problem, I want to shift from a traditional teacher-centered model to a more collaborative, student-centered learning environment, by the means of a flipped classroom in an effort to create a personalized experience for every student. To conduct the research, I will need to acquire a Swivl C3 robot, Swivl Floor Stand, Swivl Lanyard Clip, and expand lens for iPad to provide high-quality recordings of my lessons. Higher student achievement on the Measures of Academic Progress (M.A.P.) Test, a grade level increase on the Moby Max Math Program, and positive feedback from colleagues during peer observations relating to the classroom environment as well as positive responses from students on the student perception surveys will be indicative that the project was a success. To evaluate the outcomes of my project, I will be utilizing several sources of data, including the Moby Max Math results, the Measures of Academic Progress Assessment results, peer observation data, and student perception surveys. Lastly, in order to ensure any positive outcomes on the measures are actually due to my innovation and not something else, I will not be exposing my students to a flipped classroom environment prior to round one of the Measures of Academic Progress Test, which will be used as the baseline data.