Elisha Lewis
Coding Classrooms: One Dash and Dot at a Time
Download Presentation PowerpointThis year my grant focuses on how better to prepare my students for the 21st century and problem solving. I have received a grant for Dash and Dot robots and lesson plans for my math class. I hope to implement coding into my 3rd and 4th grade math class this school year and allow my students to be more creative thinkers and prepare a foundation and confidence for STEM learning and success on their own terms. I hope to use the robots to teach students the basics of coding, gain exposure to the world of coding, to teach younger students how to code. I also hope they help to teach my students empathy, cooperative play, teamwork, patience, and risk taking that will carry them through not only school, but the rest of their lives.
Beavers “BREAKOUT” of Normal Routines
Download Presentation PowerpointAnother grant that I was so fortunate to receive was the new BREAKOUT EDU kits. This year I became departmentalized, teaching 3rd and 4th grade math, and very quickly realized that my students were performing below grade level at the beginning of the year. I began researching ways to combat this and words such as activating strategy, limited lecture, movement, higher order thinking questions, rigor, and student centered continuously came up. Implementing the breakout boxes this year will allow the transfer of ownership of learning from myself to my students, integrate activities that will require critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication, provide my students to “fail forward” as every unsuccessful attempt to open a lock forces players to try again. I hope that these boxes will create memorable and engaging lessons for my students throughout the remainder of the year.