Pamela Blankenship

Pamela Blankenship


Enrich for a Switch

As a kindergarten teacher I wonder how can I better serve my students, and not label my struggling students as “low” because they are not developmentally ready for the skill that I am teaching. Since I began teaching kindergarten I continually think about how I can help my intervention students. We do individual conferencing, intervention programs, and flash cards just to name a few. I’m always trying to come up with creative ways to help them, but I see the disappointment in their faces when they don’t get to do other activities more advanced students are completing. So, my problem is how can I provide fun enrichment activities for all of my students, and get my intervention students on level.

In order to provide enrichment activities for all of my students, I will implement the use of iPads and an Osmo in small group and individual activities. This will improve and strengthen students reading, writing, and cognitive reasoning skills in a fun and creative way. Students will use the technology along with other educational “apps” to improve their ability to perform educational objectives.


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Wiggle While We Work

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The educational problem I would like to address is the need of flexible seating options for active kindergarten students and the impact it has on their behavior and learning potential. After meeting our incoming kindergarten class at spring open house, I discovered that our kindergarten students are very active and have many learning issues. During this school year, I am going to redesign my classroom to provide flexible seating options to see if this provides opportunities to redirect behaviors and creates a more focused learner. I will judge the success or failure of my project based on a comparison of student behavior logs before and after flexible seating were introduced and how it affects their performance on assessments.