Donna Combs


Donna Combs



Comfort Pillows for the Young

Children who must stay overnight at the hospital becomes scared and always enjoy having something to calm their fears. BHS students will use Math skills to make 40-50 pillows to give out at the local hospital for children who are 13 and under and admitted for an overnight stay. They will also plan, purchase and cook a meal for their family after donating these pillows. These activities will not only improve their math skills but give them real-world lessons for life situations after high school.

Powerpoint Presentation

Buddy Benches for the Respected

The students at BHS will practice their Math Skills by learning how to read a ruler, use repetitive practices by cutting the boards the same length and they will use their teamwork skills to provide a community service for the respected resident of the Nim Henson Nursing home, as well as the residents of Kentucky River Medical Center by making benches for them to enjoy when the weather permits. The students will gain additional support that allows them to connect their math skills to real-world situations.

Powerpoint Presentation

The Bobcat Store

I want to use a variety of Math strategies to show my students how basic math can be used to calculate profits and calculate expenses, learn how advertising will help their business grow and teach them different ways to become successful by creating a Entrepreneurship of making T-shirts/hats with designs and decals for cups/mugs. This opportunity will give students a chance to increase their confidence with their ability to have a positive working relationship with their classmates.

Powerpoint Presentation

Reverse Job Fair

Students will complete a digital portfolio as well as a display board to showcase their strengths, work experience, and educational history in relation to their desired future job. Various employers from the community will be invited to participate in the Reverse Job Fair. During the job fair employers will conduct informal interviews with the students. The Reverse Job Fair will provide experience and exposure with skills necessary to obtain a job for students with intellectual disabilities.

Powerpoint Presentation

All sessions by Donna Combs