Mary Carter-Osborne


Mary Carter-Osborne



This World DOES Revolve Around You!

Do you think the world revolves around you? I can remember being asked that as a middle school student, and automatically I knew what my re1ponse should have been, (No) Now as a middle school teacher, I wonder how empowered my students would feel if 1 told them that their learning environment DID revolve around them. If they were given the choice to work in a space that promotes successful and respectful collaboration, an essential real-world skill needed for future success. My current classroom is a room filled with desks and four-folding chairs. I am always asked by students to sit in the folding chairs. The rolling chairs are viewed as the prime seating location and often I use them as a motivational tool. I predict that by changing mv whole classroom seating and design adding new whiteboard walls, tables, chairs, and student choice student motivation and student engagement will improve.

Powerpoint Presentation

Involve Me and I Learn

As a teacher, we live for the “light bulb” moments when you see that students nod of the head or eves that light up … that “aha moment”! In my classroom, many of those moments occur when students are in control of the lesson. Remarkably, when I have student-led activities and I am simply there facilitator or, student retention, rates increase! I know we have all seen the pyramid graphic of the Average Learning Retention Rates that illustrate this observation. At the very top of the pyramid with a 5% retention rate is Lecture.

Powerpoint Presentation

Let’s MOVE Mountains at Mountain View

Mountain View Elementary is a Kindergarten through eighth-grade school, which results in limited use of the facilities tor all students. Physical Education classes are on average once a week, and outdoor, recess time is limited to once a week for the “middle grade” students. Because all tile classes are in dose proximity, students are even limited in the number of steps they get during clan change.

Powerpoint Presentation

All sessions by Mary Carter-Osborne