Liza Hylton


Liza Hylton



Sensory Wall: Special Needs Sensory Wall

Overstimulation, Emotional Regulation and Attention is our problem of practice. We have special needs students who have difficulty with attention, becoming over stimulated by environmental factors, difficulty expressing and regulating their emotions, all causing them to become overwhelmed in class and unable to learn. These students require frequent breaks in which they can move and experience calming, sensory, and mindful activities. Overstimulated students engage in avoidance behaviors, self-harm, and withdraw from peers and activities. They are not engaged in what is being taught nor are they able to participate in educational activities.

We would like to create a sensory wall which would provide tactile, visual, and auditory input for these students to use as needed. This would provide students with self-regulating opportunities to help organize, calm, become mindful of emotions, and assist with traumatic situations. Interacting in the sensory wall area will allow students to cross midline with similar movements as related to Whole Brain and Brain Gym in order to activate their minds and engage in learning. Students will be able to interact with portions or the entire path.

2022 Spring FIRESUMMIT

2022 PowerPoint Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

All sessions by Liza Hylton