Anna Burton


Anna Burton



Tom Cat Theater

Powerpoint Presentation


1. What is your problem of practice in implementing a blended learning environment?

Students struggling to understand Appalachian culture and to investigate the aspects of drama in the learning and teaching of Appalachian culture and media. Students will be able to access a student created online program that shows how to use theater equipment, and a co11ection of folktales and family stories that helps modernize the Appalachian culture and makes it available to a11 Eastern Kentucky students.

2. What strategy will you implement this year to address the problem?

I intended to utilize both in person and virtual access to the theater program. Students from various grade levels will be able to “walk” other students through the process of a stage production with the end result being a performance ( story telling, or reading a local folk story/ Appalachian folktales). If we end up in a virtual only situation the Kentucky Healthy guidelines allow for small groups ( 10 or less) to come and perform on the stage located at WR Castle. Students would have scheduled times to come in and work on the stage, from a specific time during the work day. All local and state policies will be followed to the letter. If we are in school students will be placed in groups with no more than 6, that will create a virtual show. Students will work on lighting, utilizing an iPad to record, I movie to edit, and performing a story on stage.

3. What resources and personnel do you need to implement your strategy?

The following resources will help to create staging and creative editing for students shooting the various folk tales. Students will be able to control stage lighting and stage sound with the use of the following items:
Samson Choir microphone, which will for making of the stage and better sound coverage. A light control box and lighting system will allow students to create visual effects that will enhance the story telling. The various other items are maintenance items to help streamline the process for students. Students will need technical support from the facilitator (me) and technical support district wide.

4. What research question will guide your study of this innovation?

How can we make Appalachian culture accessible to students in the modern world?
How can we make the theater more accessible for students in Eastern Kentucky?
Can we utilize community through the use of family folktales, to see if others in our area have similar stories?
Can we increase the use of theater/ drama so that students can understand the importance of reading and understanding plays in cross curricular instruction?

5. What outcomes will prove that your innovation has succeeded?

The following outcomes is what I hope to achieve through the use of the Tom Cat  theater. A cultural introduction to Appalachian Folklore and theatre performed by the students virtually or in person. Through the use of storytelling of local legends to create an online format for all students to have access to local and state legends.

A practical introduction to the theories and applications of construction techniques, language, principles, safety, and tools used in the creation of theatrical scenery and properties. The language, tools, and principles of other technical theatre crafts, such as lighting, costuming, makeup, sound design, and stage management will also be presented.  Introduction to techniques, theories, and procedures necessary to develop lighting and lighting effects integrated into film, television, and theatre productions. Practical experience in school productions.  Introduction of the principles of electronic sound, acoustics, equalization, and effects processing, recording of live sound in a concert or theatrical setting, equipment management, and design technique.

6. How will you measure those outcomes?

The outcomes will be measured based on the students videos that they will be filming and the creation of a virtual library with information on Appalachian culture and Folk Stories.

7. How can you be sure that any positive outcomes on these measures are actually due to your innovation and not something else?

This is a way to bridge a gap between technology and Appalachian culture. The positive outcomes will be based on the amount of students, our students will be able to service. While this program in its initial stages wil1 be for the Tomcat school system, I hope to be able to utilize this program across the school district and eventually across the state.

All sessions by Anna Burton