Alexa, Can You Hear Me Now?
Each day, students are coming to school from homes where they have instant access to information that is constantly being updated in real time. They are used to using technology to meet their needs and to find answers to their questions. They deserve to have access to this type of information in the classroom. Using the Alexa Skills Blueprint, teachers can create custom questions for students using online information, fresh and new material, or material that has already been covered in class. These skills can be in the form of quizzes, flashcards, and even games. With the Echo Show, students can view material and questions. In addition, Alexa allows students to answer questions orally in order to quiz them and review material with them. Plus, with the addition of Echo Buttons, this process can take on the form of a fun and educational game. Through this technology, students will have access to a learning resource that is on-demand, current, and more like the types of technology that they are used to using at home.