Ballroom B – Segment C
Presenter 1: Amy West
Engineering Innovations
Students no longer need to sit passively in individual desks in rows and with the teacher in the front of the room. In order to prepare students for their future careers, classrooms need to shift to accommodate 21st century learning practices. I believe our special needs classroom will benefit by being able to participate and interact with their learning. Having a special needs classroom my students are already at a disadvantage compared to their similar aged peers. My students are multi sensory learners and I believe having interactive technology in the classroom will benefit my students on many levels. This year I want my students to feel empowered in their learning! Interactive technology will reach all my students learning styles and this will help them retain information as well as improve participation due to their disabilities. Interactive technology enables students to have a voice in their education. Having multiple types of disabilities in my classroom from ADHD to autism, interactive technology will benefit them in so many ways. My students have trouble focusing, staying on task, and struggle with paper pencil work. Many students have such poor motor skills and are unable to even hold a pencil, let alone write. Their hands will become weak and when this happens they will often avoid doing their work because they are just physically unable. Their avoidance turns into distracting behaviors for themselves as well as the class. I want to create a classroom where a variety of learning styles are able to be reached and I want my students to take control of their education. Allowing my students the chance to move around and interact in their education will create an engaging atmosphere that they will love to be a part of. Many of my students already feel defeated in their education. I want to create in them a love for learning and an excitement in them to want to learn. Building a classroom with multi sensory tools will enhance the education of these special needs students. The first phase in creating a multi sensory learning classroom will be implemented by creating a flexible learning environment for my students. A sensory integrated environment, various types of seating, as well as multi-sensory options will create a classroom environment that the children will love to be a part of. Adding an interactive board share will add and improve the children’s drive to want to learn and participate. Children with disabilities are often aware that they do not learn like the other children. Many of my children are physically unable to participate the way other children do. This will often times cause behavior issues, low self esteem, and a student who is avoiding classroom involvement. Boardshare will give my students access to a differential style of teaming.
Presenter 2: Jennifer Wells
The Relaxation Station
With this project, I intend to achieve a method of relaxation for students to implement into their daily routines and transitions within the classroom in order to successfully handle the emotions that accompany the anxiety associated with transitions
Presenter 3: Paintsville Elementary ACT Team
Full STEAM Ahead
Presenter 4: Megan Huffman, Martha Hall & Nancy Johnson
Coffee Cart Project – Raiderbucks
The project I chose for this transition grant is a student ran a coffee cart that we will be doing every Friday. My project involves my middle school students working coffee carts with the assistance of myself, my paraprofessionals, and possible some mentor teachers from other classrooms. My students will be completely involved in this project. For work experience and skill-building, they will be working on orders for the teachers, operating the Kuerig machines, money management, and sorting the drinks. For social skill building, they will be taking the orders to each teacher, greeting them and repeating their orders. I am so excited to see my students grow and learn with this project throughout this year!
Presenter 5: Neil Arnett
Augmenting the Virtual Reality of Pikeville
We are preparing our students for jobs that don’t yet exist. Computational Thinking must be the core of our educational systems in order to establish a competent workforce in Kentucky. Through Computer Science we are helping to foster critical thinking and problem solving through the skill sets of Computational Thinking. Augmented and Virtual Reality projects will be one more tool in the toolbox of technological equipment used to build a vertically aligned CS curriculum. Our Collaboratory, a makerspace is designed to build an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem where students are able to apply their tech skills to real world problem solving. This project will give students the opportunity to create Augmented Reality Products, not just use the fun filters of Snapchat! The 360 degree camera will give student the opportunity to offer their city the creation of Virtual Reality tours of important landmarks and destinations in our region to share with the world.
Presenter 6: Anna Burton
Tom Cats in 3D
Students will be creating a 3-D model of a topographical map. Then students research how weathering impacts different topographical regions, using this information students will recreate the topographical map showing how weather impacts those different regions. Tom Cats Appalachian Studies Students will be studying their Appalachian roots through the use of pottery. Students will be creating works of art to help bridge the generation gap between people in our community. Students will also be receiving local artisan instruction that’s to the help from local volunteers.
Presenter 7: Lisa Blevins-Salyer
Static to Dynamic
Engaging Students in Literacy As a Digital Learning Coach, I am always seeking innovative ways to increase student engagement. During the 2019-2020 school year, I will teach collaborative lessons to model blended instruction, Blended Learning Models, and SAMR Model. I will meet with teachers individually and during PLC’s. Collaboration with K-6 teachers and the principal will be essential to sustaining the project. Students will be engaged in activities that promote critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. My plan is to install two kiosks. One of the kiosk in the main hall and the other in the gymnasium. The kiosks will allow for easy uploading of digital work products via ScreenCloud. The availability of uploading to these kiosks will encourage digital integration in the classroom. The school community, parents, and teachers will be able to view daily as well as during parent-teacher conferences, ball games, and special programs.
Presenter 8: Emily Blevins & Olivia Thornsbury
KVEC Student Senate