Classroom Redesign for Collaboration, Focus, and Performance.
October 2016 Presentation:
As the world moves faster and faster into the 21st century many aspects of the world are changing. However, education is severely lacking in the forward momentum. One area in which this is evident is in the classroom. Redesigning the classroom using dry-erase paint and stability balls, allows students the opportunities and tools to support active collaboration, enhanced performance, and increased focus. By engaging both sides of the student brain they will be better prepared for active learning.
April 2017 – FIREsummit Presentation:
Engaging the Computer Science Classroom through Robots
October 2016 Presentation:
Computer Science is now one of the leading careers in the world with more jobs available than there are qualified people to fill the positions. Therefore, students need to be inspired and engaged in their computer science classrooms now. By use of the Finch Robot, students will be able to see their work come to life through a tangible and physical representation in the hopes of increasing interest and engagement in the computer science field.
April 2017 – FIREsummit Presentation: