Sabrina O’Bryan


Sabrina O’Bryan



Modern Classroom

This learning innovation grant will help me achieve my goals as an educator by providing an opportunity to grow and experience new methods of teaching. My goal as an educator is to provide instruction for all students and to be able to use differentiation within my classroom. As an educator you should always be willing to try and experience new teaching methods or tools whenever possible. This grant will provide support with mentors to help guide me throughout creating this model to achieve my classroom goals. This grant will provide more effective ways to provide blended learning, self -paced learning and developing mastery grading within my classroom. This will also allow me to become a more student centered educator and allow students to be more independent learners. This opportunity will provide a way for technology to allow educators to spend more individualized and small group time with students. This model will help me prepare my classroom for student diversity not only in academics but also the social emotional effects of not being in person in a classroom. This model will give me a platform to provide instruction with a new effective approach of teaching.

PowerPoint Presentation

All sessions by Sabrina O’Bryan