Robin Hyden

Johnson County

Robin Hyden

Johnson County


Building Engineers: Brick By Brick

Elementary students often have a wonderful sense of curiosity and inquisitiveness that naturally leads them into exploring and learning. It is during the elementary years that this is often sadly lost. Today’s elementary students are not exposed to STEM due to teacher anxiety of implementation into the classroom or lack of adequate resources. That is why STEM in elementary is so important. The greatest gift we can give students during the elementary years is a driving curiosity, a belief in their abilities, a thirst for knowledge, and a passion to grow. With these skills in their toolbox, they will be equipped to tackle the challenges of higher education and the real world. No matter where their life journey takes them. My goal is to use a product they are already familiar with to foster their curiosity for engineering while constructing Milo the Robot from Legos. They will also learn new coding skills that will increase, engage and apply concepts in a deeper, more thorough way, leading to a greater understanding of the concepts.