Rachel Holbrook

Johnson County

Rachel Holbrook

Johnson County


“Moxie Reader + Google = An Innovative Alternative for Today’s Teen Reader”

Encouraging and building the habit of lifelong reading for teenagers can often be difficult in a world where they are surrounded by constant entertainment and technology. As a middle school language arts teacher I try to encourage daily reading to help improve comprehension and fluency for my students because I know the importance of being a proficient reader as students enter high school and begin preparing for college. However, it is often difficult to track how much students read and whether or not they truly comprehend what they are reading. I have had my students keep traditional paper and pencil reading logs, but I have found that it is not very effective or engaging for my students. In fact, sometimes students simply write down page numbers and times in order to have their log complete regardless of whether they actually read or not. To combat this problem I plan to use the MoxieReader subscription I will purchase for this project to digitally engage students as an alternative to traditional reading logs. With this program, students will use the Google Pixelbook and Pen I will purchase to scan the books that they read and keep track of their reading. Unlike traditional reading log methods, the MoxieReader program helps students to set independent reading goals, join teams with their peers to race to achieve goals, recommends books based on student reviews, and encourages students to create video book reviews. To implement this research cycle I will need a yearlong teacher and student subscription to MoxieReader as well as a Google Pixelbook and Pen to create a scanning and design station in my classroom for students to scan their books as well as create video book reviews. To guide my study I will focus on answering the research question: What impact will incorporating a digitally engaging reading log program have on students’ reading comprehension and fluency? If students reading comprehension and fluency increase from pre to post testing, I will know that my project has been successful. I will measure outcomes by administering a pre and post reading assessment along with a survey that measures student interpretations of independent reading with and without using MoxieReader. I will know that positive outcomes are due to my innovation project because I will compare the reading assessment results of my students with another group of students in my building that will not be using MoxieReader to monitor and measure independent reading.