Nikki Ferguson

Johnson County

Nikki Ferguson

Johnson County


Reading For All!

Students with reading disabilities often read at least 2 grade levels below their similar aged peers. As a result of this discrepancy they often struggle to complete assignments without teacher assistance. This is due to the fact that the reading material whether its passages, directions, etc is above their independent reading level. While, this causes difficulties for students, it also causes problems for teachers as they struggle to find grade and age appropriate material in their attempt to differentiate their curriculum the meet the needs of all learners. But what would it look like if a special education student could read the exact same passage as the student sitting next to them? Could we close the achievement gap? The C-Pen Reader is a piece of technology that could potentially do all of these things. This is a pen that comes with ear buds so that students can scan a text and it will read the text aloud to them. It has the ability to give word definitions to help increase student vocabulary and can be downloaded once scanned for later use.