Project Title (1): Kennedi’s Kitties
S.T.A.R.S. Mini Grant Recipient
A student contacted the coach because she wants to get involved in helping the local animal shelter. She identified a problem in her community of animal abuse and neglect, and she wants to fix this problem. This student came up with the idea of a drive. She plans on visiting local businesses to ask for their support. She will create boxes to drop off donations (food, litter, mats, blankets, towels, etc.). Letters will be created and dropped off to business owners detailing the purpose of this project. A donation will be requested from these business owners. This student also wants to involve her classmates by creating a letter to send home requesting donations. A drop-off box will be set up at school. Posters will be displayed throughout the school building to encourage participation by all other classes. A Public Service Announcement will also be created to raise awareness and ask for participation. Resources include: drop-off totes, poster board, and poster-making materials.
Project Title (2): S.C.U.T.E. (Students Cleaning up the Environment)
S.T.A.R.S. Mini Grant Recipient
This CmPS project will focus on education and awareness of littering. First, we will focus on educating ourselves about the impact littering has on our environment. Resources such as PRIDE, the community recycling center, and the local extension office will be invited by the students via a letter to visit our classroom. Students will be given packets of information to take home. We will learn about conserving, reusing, and recycling. We will take a field trip to the community recycling center to see the effects of recycling. After being educated, we will return to school where we will share what we have learned with all the other classrooms. We will create pamphlets for distribution, as well as creating environmental awareness posters to hang out our school building. Students will be responsible to create a school-wide map. Students will be in charge of implementing a full school-wide recycling program, including a partnership with the community recycling center for pickup. Within a few weeks of implementing the full school-wide recycling program our class will schedule visits to local elementary schools to share what we have learned and encourage students to begin their own school-wide recycling program. We will also have a partnership with the local extension office; we will be the pilot program for a compost project. This project will occur during after-school hours, making participation voluntary (transportation will be provided by Save the Children, 21st Century, and STLP). Resources include pamphlets, flyers, various sizes of recycling receptacles, and poster materials.