Middle Schoolers on the Move!
October 2016 Presentation:
Do you have students you are constantly redirecting their focus? Or students who want to aimlessly wander around the room or take unnecessary bathroom breaks? Since our students are allowed less and less time to move, exercise and socialize as they get older we are seeing more restless behaviors in the classroom. In an effort to get my middle schoolers on the move, even during independent work, I am implementing bouncy bands, standing desks and lap desks as a distraction free way to move as needed while still offering a comfortable work environment for all. Does it make a difference? Is it really distraction-free for the other students? Let’s find out! I have been tracking the amount of times I have to redirect students and once the new furniture is in place I will do more data collection. The comparison of the before and after will help me and other teachers see the benefit (or not) of flexible seating.