Melinda Thompson

Pike County

Melinda Thompson

Pike County


Boogie into 21st Century

A student recently presented me with a “Boogie Board”. It is a way to take notes and easily erase your notes with the push of one button. When I saw this, I immediately thought this would be a great way to engage students in note taking, quizzes, formative assessments, etc. Instead of completing their quiz on paper, students could write the answers on the “Boogie Board”, lock the device, and then turn it into the teacher. This would help solve part of the problem with our limited paper supply. Another tried and true method for formative assessment is small whiteboards. The students will be given a small whiteboard and expo markers to write their response. Again, with limited funds, this can be costly. The “Boogie Boards” allow students to show their formative assessment answers to the teacher with the same concepts as the whiteboard response. This is more cost effective. Lastly, “Boogie Boards” will be more engaging than any other form of note-taking. These look like a small IPAD, without internet connection, or the trouble of having to charge them daily.