Laura Carroll


Laura Carroll



Digitizing Guided Reading: A Personalized Blended Approach to Literacy

My current problem of practice is the lack of efficiency in assessing the guided reading process in my classroom. Likewise, I also lack diverse materials at the various levels I need in order to meet the needs of the students in my classroom. I will be using a personalized blended learning approach for our literacy instruction during our guided reading groups this year. The Raz Kids Program assesses students in various ways and tracks the data for the teacher. I will then be able to assign digital guided reading materials based on students’ levels. These materials will pop up on the students’ account. Students will be able to read the materials, record themselves reading, hear the materials being read, and take assessments. The program will track all of this data. I will be able to make quick instructional decisions based on this data and quickly assign the best reading materials based on what the student needs. The materials are amazing! A teacher can find materials based on Common Core Standards as well as MAP RIT score. Learning will be more individualized in my classroom this year and the resources will be easy to assign and assess. I will have more thorough data on my students and will be able to assign better materials without having to spend a fortune on copy paper and ink. The apple tv and mounted tv will come in handy as I will be able to project the reading materials for the current small group I am working with. Students will be able to follow along with me on their Ipads as I highlight, zoom in on text features etc. The possibilities are endless. Students will no longer have to view their materials in black and white. I look forward to analyzing this years MAP data with MAP data from previous years. As well as common reading assessment data and KPREP data from previous years to this year’s student data on these assessment. Not to mention, RAZ KIDS Plus program assess students fluency, comprehension, and much more for the teacher! I am excited to see how this data improves throughout the year. I am hoping that with this grant I will be able to show that there is a more efficient way for our school to assess reading and make great gains! Below is a description of what this program has to offer. I have already purchased this $200 program. Now all I need to do is get the technology!