Project Title: “Engineering Energy”
Learning Innovation Grant Recipient
Throughout this unit students will conduct investigations to answer questions about energy. During their exploration they will determine that energy is the ability of matter to move matter or to produce a chemical change in matter. They will explore the difference between potential and kinetic energy. Students will examine the 6 major forms of kinetic energy and characterize mechanical energy. They will create heat and light energy and learn that energy itself cannot be seen; its presence and transfer can be sensed and measured. In their explorations, students will become familiar with how scientists can use their senses and instruments to make observations and collect data. Through the various modes of communication, students will transform into 2nd Grade Scientists to conduct research, collect data and perform investigations. They will work in teams to solve problems that require them to have creativity and foresight as burgeoning inventors, designers, and pattern recognizers. Students must embrace the ability to work collaboratively, prioritize, set goals and resolve conflicts in order to become “life- long learners.” They must also be able to present ideas clearly using (Lenovo Chromebooks) Google Drive and Apps, and IPad Apps. Utilizing 21st Century technology, students will be given opportunities to create video journals, virtual museums, blogs, web quests and pod casts, as well as Skype with resource personnel using the Mondopad and movies to share and present learning experiences. Through collaborative efforts, students will produce a working model of a real life object to demonstrate the transfer of energy.