KVEC Student Senate
Flags We collaborated with our school principal, who was wanting to start saying the Pledge of Allegiance in our school, to get flags for the classrooms. Character Traits We will be introducing a character trait a month that we want our students to exhibit. This will be announced over the intercom in the morning and the new show will also have a segment over our word of the month. September was honesty and October will be responsibility. Teachers will be asked to submit via google form one or two students they feel exhibited this quality to be rewarded with cookies and milk. Ambassadors’ Council We will have two ambassadors from every club and team in our school come together for our school Ambassadors’ Council. Sponsors and coaches will recommend students by October 1st. After this, we will pick the ambassadors with our student senate sponsor if we are not notified of representatives. We will meet on a morning in October to discuss our plans for the year over breakfast at the school. The Senators will be asked to complete two projects each semester. The fall semester will include cutting out locker decorations for each student in our school to make each member of the panther family feel included. They will also host a food drive during the holiday season to provide meals to families in need. The spring semester will consist of an extracurricular fair for 8th graders in our school and another event that is waiting for approval. Census Because of the recent loss of funding and potential for further withdrawals, we feel it is important to make sure our region benefits from every citizen. Many people were not counted in the last census and we are looking to help prevent this for the 2020 count. We will partner with our school news show to make a short PSA to educate people on the use of the Census. We are in the process of writing a proposal to have a segment on Pike TV where we will interview community members on the importance of having every citizen in Eastern Kentucky counted. Community Event We are planning another community event to create unity in our city that will need to be approved.