Jennifer Charles


Jennifer Charles



Modern Classroom

Creating a Modern Classroom is a necessity for every teacher in the post pandemic world. The learning innovations grant will allow me to learn from the experts and then share what I have learned with my colleagues. I could not only create an incredible learning environment for my students, but I could be instrumental in bringing the modern classroom to my school community. As an educator, I do not only want the students in my classroom to succeed, but the students throughout my community.

I am passionate about understanding different methods of instruction to find strategies that I can implement effectively. I am thoroughly intrigued by blended instruction, self-paced learning structures, and mastery-based grading. According to research, implemented separately each of these is a very effective teaching strategy, but implemented together these could impact students learning in incredible ways. The learning innovations grant will give me the opportunity to make that happen in my classroom in a much more effective way than if I strike out on my own learning from free training on YouTube. I will get the opportunity to get feedback from mentors who are already creating effective modern classrooms, so I can avoid the more common mistakes and have the opportunity to benefit from their experience.

PowerPoint Presentation

All sessions by Jennifer Charles