Coding Easy as Pi
Coding is a type of curriculum that relies heavily on the digital representations of code and concepts that are essentially in the background with every technological thing that we do in our life. When we discuss coding in the classroom it is hard to have some sort of visualization to go along with the problem given. When students are unable to see what they are working with, they have a harder time determining if the work they are providing is sufficient for an understanding of the concepts. By having students create their own coded machines, they are able to see exactly what they are working on and even gives them the ability to see their work in real life applications. When given a textbook it is easy to think, “when am I going to use this in real life,” however with the implementation of students being able to create their own coded psychical items, they can see where computer science and real world applications connect. By giving them this form of project based learning, we follow the curriculum that KY has set, but we do it in a more hands-on way. By giving students the ability to learn at their own pace and understand why coding is so important in the life we live today we give the students a fresh outlook on computer science as a whole. Students will be given the option to create various items that they will first need to be able to code and see what their inputs do to the outputs. By giving them this option in class, I believe it allows them to have a greater appreciation and understanding for the items that they use on a daily basis and how intricate technology is in our lives.
Hooked on Learning
Growing up my family would always go to my grandparents down in Big Creek and we would go behind their house and fish. This was an activity that I loved and enjoyed, and it was something that I grew up with and will always have as a cherished memory. Little did I know that although I was doing a fun activity, there was a lot of math integrated that I didn’t even recognize. It is unique to think about, but mathematics and fishing go hand in hand with one another. There are a copious amount of concepts that we begin with that can work directly with fishing, such as slope, equations of lines, graphing, data collection, distance formula, force, and so much more. The only difference, is that a majority of my students love to fish! We see a different connection when we learn by using things that we enjoy, not only do we have fun learning the content but we also retain the information better. Mathematics is more of a background concept. What this means is that although it is highly important, as we progress through our lives we no longer see the math involved in our lives as something that we want to grow in, we just rely on our basic understanding of content that we have already learned. My goal is to incorporate fishing into my curriculum to allow a more exciting way to learn mathematics but a way for students to better retain the information that we talk about through the school year.
Rocket Math the New Digital Writing
How do you showcase student mathematical writing samples in the new digital world? The answer is through the use of Rocket book Everlast notebooks that provides a sample but effective way for students and teachers a new way to share and collect student’s mathematical work within seconds and store it in an online storage folder so that administrators can view the progress of students.