Haridas Chandran

Pike County

Haridas Chandran

Pike County


Turning Mud into Electrical Energy Using Microbial Cell

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Students in the STEAM classes will focus on designing and constructing fuel cell. They will also construct different volume of the cell, to increase the production of electrical energy. Students will be constructing electrodes with different dimensions and length to achieve maximum electric power and minimum loss in the production of electric energy. They will be visiting rivers and ponds near our school as well as different regions to collect soil for the fuel cell. Students will conduct test on the soil they collected using commercially available Soil test kit. This will provide knowledge for these researchers which soil produces higher current to run the household equipment. Students will conduct experiments by varying parameters to achieve the best fuel cell for the production of electrical energy. To evaluate the overall performance of an microbial fuel cell, usually its power output is determined. This is done by measuring the voltage across a fixed resistor that you attach to the microbial fuel cell and from that, power is calculated using Ohm’s law as shown in the Equation below. P=V^2R where P is the power in watts (W), V is the voltage (V), and R is the resistance in ohms (Ω). Students will be encouraged to attend conference to present their data to the scientific community.. During this project, students will be concentrating on aspects of team work, fundamental concepts in math, science and engineering discipline that blend the core ideas with scientific and engineering practices and cross cutting concepts.


Production of Additive Manufacturing Device (3D) filament using Plastic and Kudzu plant

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Using Kudzu to Produce Cheap Renewable Building Materials

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Synthesizing Gold Nanoparticles via Electrolysis – Using Gold Rod and Kudzu Plant

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All sessions by Haridas Chandran