Captain Inspector/ Protector : Colossal Corrosion Fighter
The mission of this project is to inspire students, our future workforce, to engage in the prevention of corrosion through science, engineering, and technology. The effects of corrosion is estimated to cost the US $2.5 trillion globally, or 3.4% of the global GDP. With the use of corrosion teaching kits students can learn how to prevent corrosion. The experiments within the NACE Foundation teaching kit, Corrosion Toolkit (cKit™)provides a fun and innovative hands-on learning experience to students in materials science. The use of educational corrosion tool kits will be incorporated into my classroom curriculum throughout the year. During the first semester students will learn the basic structure of the atom utilizing various models. An emphasis will be placed upon the Modern Atomic Theory, NGSS, as well as KY academic standards for high school students (Course Standards). Students will learn about chemical bonding, electronegativity, and chemical reactions. Once students master balancing chemical equations and how to recognize the types of chemical reactions they will conduct experiments using the corrosion tool kits. Oxidation and reduction reactions will be reviewed during this time. Students will research real-life applications of corrosion management and present findings to their peers. In addition experts in the field of corrosion management will be invited into the classroom to discuss corrosion control. Not only will students learn about the general need and importance of corrosion control but also about the many job opportunities within the corrosion industry available in today’s workplace and that of the future. Students will then be asked to reflect upon corrosion control in general along with consideration of corrosion certifications they may wish to explore in the future.