Tablets have become part of everyday life and are often more appealing and easier to use than the traditional computer. Tablets have made it easier to create and share content, as well as differentiated lessons and instruction for students. After much research, there are apps that qualify as rigorous and enriching. Enrichment students will work within the 4 main subject areas to create lessons to teach to the class. Students will have the opportunity to teach various lessons, including dissecting frogs, cursive handwriting lesson, book studies and multiplication, for example. Students in the enrichment program will also learn to speak Spanish using the iPad mini. They will be asked to create a lesson, plan an activity, and teach a Spanish lesson to fellow students. All students will have access to the iPads and use them daily. The iPads will be used daily in small group reading instruction and as a listening center for individualized and differentiated instruction. Students will take part in “Daily 5” activities. Daily 5 activities include listening to reading, reading to oneself, reading to someone, writing and word work. The iPads can be used in all areas of a daily 5 classroom. The project objective is to improve overall enrichment time in a fun and innovative way.