File That Under Social Studies
October 2016 Presentation:
“File That Under Social Studies” will use interactive files with QR Codes that lead to reading information, videos, activities and games on a particular social studies topic. Using topics from the Kentucky social studies standards for third grade, I will then create file folders with QR codes for each topic. For example, one file will be “landforms”. The first QR code might lead students to a pre-test where their previous knowledge will be tested. The second code might lead to a Discovery Education video on landforms. Another code will direct the student to a reading passage on landforms from Reading and finally the last QR code will guide students to the post test that will allow them to demonstrate understanding of the topic. Once they demonstrate their understanding and their score is recorded, they will be able to choose another topic of study. This will continue until they complete all the units successfully.
April 2017 – FIREsummit Presentation: