Ashland Independent ATC

Boyd County

Ashland Independent ATC

Boyd County


Tiny House

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The idea for building a tiny house actually began last year following a meeting with city officials regarding how Paul G. Blazer High School’s Engineering/Manufacturing and Construction Technology programs could be beneficial to Ashland and Boyd County. The school was in the thrust of renovating the “shop” – Construction Technology program, and was not prepared to begin such a venture as building a tiny house as a possible model for the city and county to consider as a viable option to help alleviate a critical housing shortage. With the availability of a Build it Forward grant from KVEC, with renovation now complete, and willing partners, Blazer is ready to move forward with building a model tiny house as an affordable housing option for eligible students, single adults, couples, or parent(s)/guardian(s) with a small family. Students will be actively engaged in the tenets of Purpose Driven Learning throughout the project beginning in August 2018 and concluding in April 2019. Working as a team, students will learn firsthand the value of self-confidence, enthusiasm, effort, focus, resilience and drive/initiative. The final product, a tiny house, will bear the stamp of students’ creativity and curiosity. They will learn to depend on themselves and each other as they labor together to produce a tiny house fit for an individual, couple, or small family to live in together. As the class becomes more knowledgeable of the needs of the homeless, and the importance of permanent housing, especially for our US Veterans, their level of empathy and compassion will blossom and take root. Students will learn how to build successful relationships and build mutual understanding of their own needs and that of others.