Heart for the Art 2
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Last year I received a grant to create a student organization for the arts. We were unable to hire an art teacher, so this grant helped to fill a void for our students. The students that were affected by this grant last year really want to continue Heart for the Arts- Patriotivity. With the purchases from last year’s grant, we already have a printer and scanner in place; however, we would still need the grant to help cover the cost of production of the anthology. So we would like to continue our club and our anthology with the help of this grant. We would also like to expand our grant to include art supplies and drama purchases for less fortunate students to give students even more opportunities to interact through the arts through art galleries and children’s theater productions. During last year’s work with the grant of Heart for the Arts, I learned so much about many students I had never encountered. Their stories of the arts helping them cope with difficult times at home or at school were eye opening. When the students attended the Fire Summit to present grants, they made professional connections with other artists, and they were so excited to present their work for others to view. It is amazing how much a one-thousand-dollar grant gave priceless memories to students and teachers across our region. Due to lack of educational funds across our region, students’ opportunities to participate in artistic endeavors are few and far between. So with this grant, we can provide at least three different opportunities for students to express themselves through Heart for the Arts 2 ARI Grant. With these grant monies, we will purchase the printing of our anthology, art supplies for students, and a dramatic backdrop for a children’s theater group. With the purchase of these supplies, in future years these programs could be self-sustaining.